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Members list

Lastname Name Email Affiliation
Babar Zia zbabar([at) San Jose State University, California
Bauer Bernhard bernhard.bauer([at) University of Augsburg
Bernon Carole Carole.Bernon([at) IRIT / University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse - France
Beydoun Ghassan g.beydoun([at) School of Information Systems and Management, University of New South Wales, Australia
Calisti Monique mca([at) Whitestein Technologies
Cossentino Massimo cossentino([at) ICAR/CNR (Italian National Research Council)
Cysneiros Gilberto Amado de Azevedo Cysneiros Filho G.Cysneiros([at) City University, London - PhD Student
David Nuno Nuno.David([at) ADETTI/ISCTE
Eggenberger Martin meggenberger([at) Personal Research & ACM Member
Garro Alfredo garro([at) D.E.I.S. - University of Calabria
Gleizes Marie-Pierre gleizes([at) IRIT
Henderson-Sellers Brian bhs([at) University of Technology, Sydney
Hopmans Gabriel g.hopmans([at) Communications Research & Semiotics, University Maastricht
Huget Marc-Philippe M.P.Huget([at) Agent ART Group, University of Liverpool
Ingram Maciej ingram([at) he Cracow University of Technology (Poland)
Jouvin Denis djouvin([at) LIRIS (CNRS FRE 2672), université Lyon 1
Leversee Kevin klca([at) Zed Tycho Pty. Ltd
Levy Renato rlevy([at) Intelligent Automation Inc.
Marchese Roberto marchy83([at) --
Massonet Philippe phm([at) CETIC (
Mattocks Charles CarlMattocks([at) CHECKMi
Mellouli Sehl sehl.mellouli([at) Laval University
Morreale Vito vito.morreale([at) Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Odell James mail([at) James Odell Associates
Pavon Juan jpavon([at) Universidad Complutense Madrid
Pinto Rosa Candida rccp([at) Nilson Borba Bezerra Cavalcanti and Maria Luiza de Souza Leão Cavalcanti
Pirker Michael PROFACTOR Produktionsforschungs GmbH
Postnikov Alexey alexpost([at) Russia, Taganrog State University Of Radioengineering
Reitbauer Alois alois.reitbauer([at) Profactor Produktionsforschungs GmbH
Sabatucci Luca sabatucci([at) ICAR/CNR (Italian National Research Council)
Silva Ismênia igls([at) MSc student on CIN, Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil
Turci Paola turci([at) University of Parma
Unland Rainer unlandr([at) University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Ye Shiren yeshiren2000([at) National Univ of Singapore
Yusko Jay jay.yusko([at) Illinois Institute of Technology
Zambonelli Franco franco.zambonelli([at) University of Bologna


If you subscribed the TC mailing list and want your name to appear in the list above please contact M. Cossentino (cossentino(at)


In the above listed email addresses write @ in place of ([at)