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JT: A tool for designing MASs with Jason

JT (Jason Tool) is a specific CASE tool developed for supporting MASs design and automatic Jason code generation.  Its first release has been developed as an instance of a meta-CASE tool (Metaedit+).

  1. Diagrams
  2. Documentation
  3. Software
  4. External Links


In JT is possible to realize four kinds of diagrams.
  • The Goal Structural Description Diagram (GSDD) presents a static decomposition of the problem goals. It is a mean for analyzing the problem and sketching a solution in terms of goals and sub-goals. Fig.1 shows the GSDD for the classical example of domestic robot decribed in the Jason book.

    Goal Structural Description

    Fig. 1: The Goal Structural Description diagram for the domestic robot example.

  • The Multi- Agent Structural Description (MASD) models the system in terms of agents and their relations (see Fig.2). 

    Multi-Agent Structural Description

    Fig. 2: Multi- Agent Structural Description the domestic robot example.

  • The Multi-Agent Functional Description Diagram (MAFD) provides a detailed description of the behavior of a MAS highlighting the sequence of activities performed by the agents (see Fig.3).

    Goal Structural Diagram

    Fig. 3: Multi-Agent Functional Description diagram designed for the domestic robot example

  • The Single Agent Structural Description (SASD) highlights the internal structure of an agent. A SASD diagram provides a description of the agent elements that is more detailed than the MASD diagram one. Fig. 4 shows the SASD designed for the robot agent of the domestic robot example.

    Goal Functional Diagram 

    Fig. 4: Single-Agent Structural Description diagram for the robot agent of the domestic robot example.


  1. M. Cossentino, C. Lodato, S. Lopes, P. Ribino, V. Seidita, A. Chella. A Notation for Modeling Jason-like BDI Agents.  Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Technical Report 12/01.(pdf).


Work in progress ...

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