Computer Networks Group

The Steiner Tree Problem in Networks


The Steiner Tree Problem is an optimization problem, whose practical applications can be found in different scientific and technological fields.
In this project, we are interested in its network version, since multicast trasmission protocols require to determine a minimal spanning tree  covering a subset of the nodes on a network.
Aim of this project is to explore the Steiner Tree problem from the prospective of the multicast trasmission in computer networks.

The project

We developed a software framework to test and compare the most effective heuristics  on a wide variety of topologies.
Recent works on network topologies have shown that typical computer networks own particular statistical properties about their node degree distribution and some graph generation tools were developed.
The aim of this project is the detection of the most suitable methods for building multicast tree on graphs that present topological features similar to the real Internet and its subnetwork.
To this end we generated a large set of graphs containing ranging from 2000 to 5000 nodes that can be used as the samples for the experiments.

Try out demo

Two Java based frontends for applying the Steiner codes to the sample graphs has been developed.
The user interafece enables users to interactively run and compare the Steiner heuristics over some small sized networks:

- the first one uses Java Swing, and enable users to build their own networks and run the Steiner heuristics over them.
- the second one uses Java AWT so it's compatible with all best known browsers, and the user is able to choose a test network only from a predefined set.

Both the applications use J2EE RMI (Remote Method Invocation) technology to communicate with the application server and remotely execute the Steiner heuristics;
if your  JVM does not support RMI, you can download the Sun's Java plug-in which support RMI. We succesfully run it under Linux, Macintosh and Windows platforms.




Giuseppe Di Fatta

Giuseppe Lo Presti

Giuseppe Lo Re





last update: 2002-12-12