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MoT: An organizational design tool

MoT (Moise+ Tool) is a specific CASE tool developed for supporting design of Multi-agent organization.  It is based on a specific notation representing the fundamental concepts of an organization. MoT, also, provides automatic Moise+ code generation.  It has been developed as an instance of a meta-CASE tool (Metaedit+) and it is actually at the first release.

  1. Notation
  2. Diagrams
  3. Code Generation
  4. Documentation
  5. Software
  6. External Links


MoT is based on the notation element shown in Fig.1.
  • Role - An agent Role is depicted as a sticky man. It is caracterized by three attributes: the role name and the multiplicity of the role in the organization rapresented by the min and max attributes.
  • Group - A Group is represented by means of a package with a sticky men icon. It may contain several structural elements (Roles) and other grouping elements (sub-groups). The root group represents the entire organization.
  • Mission - A mission in MoT is graphically depicted as a dartboard.
  • Social Scheme - A Scheme is modeled by means of a package with a little sheet icon, where  missions can be grouped.
  • Goal - A Goal is graphically depicted as circle with a check. Each goal element is characterized by a name and by a collection of attributes. The GoalType propriety represents the kinds of goal namely achievement and maintenance and the ttf attribute prescribs the time requested for fulfilling the goal.
  • Norm - A Norm it is represented as an arrow with a circle containing the letter 'N'. It is characterized by means of a label showing the type (obligation or  permission).
  • Organizational Link -  It is represented as an arrow with a circle containing the letter 'O'. It can be characterized by means of a label showing the type (authority, acquaintance and communication).
  • Compatibility Link - It is represented as an arrow with a circle containing the letter 'C'.

Moise Notation elements

Fig. 1: The Notation for MoT


In MoT it is possible to realize four kind of diagrams.
  • The Organizational Diagram (OD) is an extended UML class diagram for designing the structural and normative aspect of an organization. The OD focuses on Moise+ elements such as Roles, Groups, Missions, Schemes and different kinds of relationships. Fig. 2 shows the Organizational Diagram for the classical example of Writing Paper organization decribed in the Moise+.
    Writing Paper Organizational Diagram

    Fig. 2: Organizational Diagram for the Writing Paper example.

  • The Scheme Structural Diagram (SSD) allows to design more in detail the structure of the Social Schemes in terms of goals and missions. Fig. 3 shows a portion of the SSD for the write paper example.
    Writing Paper Scheme Structural Diagram
    Fig. 3: Scheme Structural Diagram for the Writing Paper example.

  • The Goal Structural Diagram provides a goal analysis by dividing goals into subgoals through an AND or OR decomposition (see Fig.4).
    Goal Structural Diagram

    Fig. 4: Goal Structural Diagram of the WritingPaperSch root goal.

  • The Goal Functional Diagram represents the behavioral view of the organization, how the task/activity related to each subgoal must be executed in order to fulfill the scheme root goal. Fig. 5 shows the Goal Functional Diagrams built for the wp goal of the Writing Paper organization.
    Goal Functional Diagram 
    Fig. 5: Goal Functional Diagram of the writing paper example.

Code Generation

MoT is able to produce automatically Moise+ code starting from the previous diagrams. Particularly, the XML portion code concerning the Moise+ Structural and Normative Specification respectively coming from the elements designed in the Organizational Diagram.
The Moise+ Functional Specification, instead, coming from the analysis of the elements designed in the Goal Functional Diagram and in the Scheme Structural Diagram. Fig. 6 shows the portion of structural specification generated by the analysis of the OD of the writing paper example.

MoT Code generation
Fig. 6: Moise+ Structural Specification generated code from OD.


  1. Massimo Cossentino, Carmelo Lodato, Salvatore Lopes, Patrizia Ribino, Valeria Seidita and Antonio Chella. Designing MAS Organizations with the support of a UML CASE tool. In Proc. of the 9th European Workshop on Multi-agent Systems (EUMAS 2011), Maastricht (The Netherlands). Nov. 2011. (pdf)
  2. M. Cossentino, C. Lodato, S. Lopes, P. Ribino, V. Seidita, A. Chella. A UML-Based Notation for Representing MAS Organizations. WOA 2011Dodicesimo Workshop Nazionale "Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti". Rende (CS), Italy. Jul. 2011.(pdf)
  3. Brief Tutorial (pdf).


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